Ryougi Shiki Fate Grand Order Funny

Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission Occasion Japanese English Audio Summoning Temporarily Summoned 「幽霊マンションは初めてか? 都心じゃ定番の怪談だけどな。……ま、死なない程度に付き合え」

Is it your first time in a haunted house? It's pretty common in any populated city... Well, follow me as far as you can without dying.

First time you heard of a haunted mansion? It's such a staple of urban legends though... Well, just stick with me and don't die.

Summoned 「サーヴァント、アサシン。両儀式だ。……挨拶ってこれでいいのか? ヘンな決まりだな、まったく……勝手は違うけど、適当に暴れてやるよ。」

Assassin-class Servant. Name's Ryougi Shiki.

...Does this work as a greeting? I guess it is a weird one huh...

I am a bit different, but I will beat the crap out of our enemies.

Servant, Assassin. The name is Ryōgi Shiki. ...Will that do for a greeting? Such a strange custom, sheesh... Can't say I'm used to this but whatever, let's just wing it however you want.

Leveling Level Up 「日々の成果か……割と嫌いじゃないぜ」

So this is what you call the fruit of your labor, huh? ...Not a bad feeling.

So this is the fruit of everyday's effort huh. I don't particularly dislike it.

1st Ascension 「は? 着替えないのかって? 他の連中は着替えるの? 割とオシャレなんだな、英霊って」

Huh? Won't I get changed? Everyone else wears different clothes? ...Heroic Spirits are quite fashionable, aren't they...

What? Why I didn't change my clothes you ask? Do the other lot change theirs? They are surprisingly fashionable aren't they, the heroic spirits.

2nd Ascension 「段位昇格っと。まだ先は長いぜ? マスター」

One grade up... There's still a long way to go, Master.

And ranked up. We still have a way to go, Master.

3rd Ascension 「うるさいなあ。この服装は気に入ってるんだ。着替えない。着物の柄は変えるかもしれないけど、ジャケットだけは変えないぞ」

Shut up. I like these clothes, I'm not changing. I might change the kimono to a different one, but I'm not changing my jacket.

So annoying. I'm not changing out of these, they are my favourites. Sure, I can switch up the pattern on the kimono maybe, but I'm definitely keeping this jacket.

4th Ascension 「なんだよ、オレだって休憩ぐらいする。というか、出番以外は大抵こうだ。お前なら……ま、部屋に上げるぐらいはいいか。アイスクリームなら冷蔵庫にまだあるから、食べていけ」

...What? Even I take a break sometimes. Actually, this is usually how I am when I am not needed.

If it's you...then, I guess it's okay to let you in my room.

There's more ice cream in the fridge, help yourself.

What was that. Even I take breaks sometimes, or rather, this is pretty much how I usually am outside of an assignment... Ah well, you can come in. There's more ice cream in the fridge , grab one if you want.

Battle Battle Start 1 「まったく、どいつもこいつも」

Tch, you're all the same...

Really. Good-for-nothings.

Battle Start 2 「出番か? 人使いの荒い奴だ」

My turn? You really work people hard.

My turn? You know how to work people, don't you.

Skill 1 「面倒……」 Skill 2 「いいぜ。やればいいんだろ?」

Okay, you want me to do this?

Attack Selected 1 「なんだよ?」 Attack Selected 2 「あいつ?」 Attack Selected 3 「やれやれ」 Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「ああ、吐き気がする──」

Yeah... I feel sick in the stomach.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「夢の終わりだ──」

It's the end of the dream.

This is the end of the dream...

Attack 1 「ふっ」 Attack 2 「そこだ」 Attack 3 「ふうぅっ」 Extra Attack
(Before 06/14/2017) 「浮世は終わりだ──じゃあな!」

Your time in this world is over. See you in hell.

Your time in this world is over. See ya!

Extra Attack 「浮世は終わりだ──先に逝ってろ」

Your time in this world is over. See you in hell.

Noble Phantasm 「直死───死が、オレの前に立つんじゃない」

Death Perception... Death is not going to get in my way!

Direct Death... Death has no place in front of me.

Voice :


Damage from Noble Phantasm 「こいつはマズイな!」 Regular Damage 「ぐっ……」 Defeated 1 「ホント、いい迷惑……」

Look what you got me into...

That's... a real nuisance.

Defeated 2 「因果応報って奴か……」

So this is what they call 'karma'.

Battle Finish 1 「終わり? じゃ、後始末は任せたぜ」

Finished? I'll leave the clean up to you, then.

That's it? I'll leave the clean up to you then.

Battle Finish 2 「ま、切り甲斐があるのはいいことだよな」

Well, it's good to have someone worth fighting.

Well, something good came out of all that cutting huh.

My Room Bond Lvl 1 「どうして着物に革ジャンなのかって? いいだろ、オレの勝手だ。単なる気分だよ。……え? 理由じゃなくてどうやって着るかって? それはだな、帯の処理と裾に仕掛けがあって……」

Why a kimono and leather jacket? ...Why does it matter?

It's just what I feel like wearing.

What? Not why but how I wear it? Well, there's a trick to tie the obi and with the hem...

Why a leather jacket over kimono you ask? I'm used to it, so isn't that fine. It's just how I like it... Huh? Not why, but how I put it on? I had to fiddle with the sash and the hem a bit you see...

Bond Lvl 2 「サーヴァントとマスターか……。前にもこんな事があった気がするけど、アレは夢だったのかな? あの時よりは、居心地いいけどな。ここ」

Servant and Master, huh... I feel like there's been something like this before, but that may have been a dream. Here is a lot more comfortable than that time.

Servant and master eh, feels like something like this happened before, I wonder if it was a dream. I feel more at home here than that time.

Bond Lvl 3 「おまえ、案外話が分かるな。天然で、毒が無くて、明け透けにモノを言って、そのくせ芯が強くて……って、あれ? なんだ、幹也あいつ の同類だったのか。そりゃ悪く思えないはずだ」

You're more understanding than I expected. You're an airhead, pure hearted, you speak openly, and yet your heart is strong... huh? ...Oh, you're the same as him. It's no wonder I can't think badly of you.

You are a surprisingly good guy, aren't you. You act naturally, show no hint of malice, speak your mind with a strong conviction... Huh? You are just like him then, in which case I can't really fault you for that.

Bond Lvl 4 「参ったな。そりゃ一刻も早く元の居場所に戻りたいけど、ここでの暮らしもちょっとだけ悪くない。おまえ、放っておけないし。最後まで付き合うしかないのかな、こりゃ」

...I'm stuck. I want to get back to where I was as soon as possible, but my life here isn't all bad. And... I can't leave you alone. I think I might have to see this through to the end...

This is troublesome. Of course I want to go back as soon as possible, but I have gotten used to staying here. Can't leave you alone either, so I guess there's no choice but going along with you till the very end.

Bond Lvl 5 「よし、オレも覚悟を決めた。カルデアとかマスターとか胡散臭いし、何処の橙子案件かって話だけど……袖擦り合うのも何とやらだ。改めてよろしく、マスター。おまえが元の生活に戻れる日まで、護衛役として付き合ってやる」

All right, I have made up my mind!

It's all too suspicious, all this talk about Chaldea and Masters. What kind of mess has Touko gotten us into, but as they say, even a chance acquaintance is decreed by destiny.

Please continue to take care of me, Master. I will accompany you as a guard until the day you return to your old life.

All right, I have resoluted myself. I'm still dubious about 'Chaldea' and 'Master' - heck, this could be one of Touko's case - but you know, a chanced meeting and all that. Once again, best regards, Master. Until the day you can go back to your former life, I shall be stay by your side as your guard.

Dialogue 1 「退屈。橙子の事務所かここは。体力有り余ってるなら外に行こうぜ、外に」

I'm bored. Is this Touko's office or something? If you're feeling restless let's go out, come on.

Boring. Is this Touko's office or something? If you have so much energy then let's go outside.

Dialogue 2 「なに、サーヴァント、っていうの? 今のオレはそういうのなんだろ? ならいい、楽だし。おまえの方針に従ってやるよ」

What, a Servant? That's what I am right now. That's all right. it's easy. I'll follow your plan.

What, 'Servant' you say? Isn't that what I am now? If so, that's easy. I'll follow your plans.

Dialogue 3 「主従関係ねぇ。そっちの指示が真っ当なうちは、良い関係になるんじゃない? 獲物をくれるうちは、オレも上機嫌だぜ」

Master Servant relationship, hmm... our relationship will be good as long as you give me decent instructions, won't it? I'm happy as long as you give me prey.

A Master - Servant relationship... Won't it be a good relationship as long as your directions are legitimate? I'll also be in a good mood if you give me preys to hunt.

Dialogue 4
(Ryōgi Shiki (Saber)) 「今、わた……オレがいなかった? ここに来て働き過ぎたからかな? オバケを見るなんて、情けない……」

Was that me just now?

...Maybe I've been working too hard since I got here...

How pathetic of me to be seeing ghosts...

Was that me just now? I wonder if I have been working myself since I got here. To see a ghost of all thing, how pathetic of me.

Dialogue 5
(Tawara Tōta) 「なーんか妙に気になるな、おまえ。何その俵? いくらでも飯が出る? 海の幸も山の幸も自由自在? 面白い、ちょっと腕前を見せてやろうじゃないか」

You sure are an interesting fellow...

What's with that sack? You can pull food out as much as you want? No matter how exotic the food may be?

...Interesting, show us what you can do then.

Somehow you make me strangely curious. What is with that bundle? The rice inside would never become empty? It can produce anything, be it seafood or wild game? Interesting, how about showing me a bit of your skill?

Dialogue 6
(Asagami Fujino) 「浅上までやって来たのか。へえ、そいつはいい。あいつ物騒な女だけど、筋はいいよ。全方位に開いた人間大砲みたいな奴だからな。でも気を付けろよ。思い込みが強い上に、他人の心が読み取れない地雷女だ。下手に関わると巻き取られるぞ」

So Asagami's here now, too. Huh. That's good to know. She might seem like a dangerous woman, but she's pretty reliable. She's a bit of a loose canon, though. So be careful. She's incredibly opinionated, and it really doesn't take much to set her off since she's pretty lacking in empathy. One wrong step, and things'll go sideways pretty quick.

Asagami have found her way here too? Well, it's fine. She can be a bit noisy, but her intentions are good. She's like a human cannon that open fire in all directions. But be careful though. In addition to being strongly conceited, she is an unstable woman who knows naught of the hearts of others. Tread with her carelessly and you will wound up badly.

Something you Like 「好きなものは何かって……知るかそんなの。おまえ、すごいこと聞いてくるんだな」

What do I like... Hmph, I don't know. You ask some amazing things.

What do you mean, what I like... How should I know something like that? You ask some pretty incredible things, huh.

Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの? ああ、それならハッキリしている。自分が見えているのに、それを誤魔化している奴だ」

What do I hate? Ah, that's clear to me. People who know their true nature, yet still lie to themselves.

What I hate? Aah, that's obvious. Guys that try to hide their true selves even though I can see them clearly.

About the Holy Grail 「願いの叶う聖杯? なんだそれ? 眉唾にも程がある。当家におきましては、セールス販売はお断りしております」

A Holy Grail that grants wishes? What? That sounds so fake. Sales people aren't welcome at this house.

A Holy Grail that can grant wishes? What's that? That's ridiculous, even for a fake. Just letting you know in advance, in my house, there's a policy to politely turn away salespeople.

During an Event 「騒がしい……また妙なお祭りか? 行くなら行けば? 気が向いたら付き合うよ」

It's noisy... Another strange festival, I suppose. Go if you want. I'll join you if I feel like it.

How noisy, is it another weird festival? Just go if you want. I will tag along if you do.

Birthday 「誕生日? おまえの? あっそ。……この近くにいい料亭あったかな? 調べておけばよかった……」

Whose birthday? Yours? I see. ...I wonder if there are any good restaurants around here... I should have checked...

Birthday? Yours? Oh, really... I wonder if there's any nice restaurant around here... I should have looked it up in advance.

Kara no Kyoukai Collaboration Event Dialogue 1 「はいはい、お疲れさん。ゾンビ退治は捗ってる?」

Yes, yes, good job. Are you working hard at exterminating zombies?

Yes yes, good job out there. Making good progress with zombie extermination?

Dialogue 2 「『伽藍がらん の堂』へようこそー……って、わからないか。わからないよなぁ……何やってんだオレ」

Welcome to the Garan no Dou♪

...Oh, you don't ger it? You don't, do you?

What am I doing...

Welcome to the shrine's main hall~ Eh, looks like you don't get it. You don't, do you? What am I even doing...

Dialogue 3 「都会の夜は長いけど、それにも限度はある。あんまりのんびりもしていられないぞ?」

Nights in the city are long, but there's a limit to that too. You can't just take your time in doing everything.

The night in a city is long. Even then, there's a limit to it. You better not be lazing around forever.

Dialogue 4 「ゾンビ相手にひたすら無双するのもいいけど、たまにはインフォメーションも読んでおけよ? マンションなんだし、回覧板くらいはな」

You could just keep mowing down those zombies, but read the information sometimes. It's an apartment, so at least look at the community boards.

Cutting down zombies is fun and all, but be sure to read up on the information sometimes. From the circular notice I mean, this is a mansion after all.

Dialogue 5 「しっかし趣味の悪いマンションだよなぁ。ゾンビ、ゴースト、サーヴァント……家賃いくらなんだここ?」

...This apartment is really lacking in taste... Zombies, ghosts, Servants... How much is the rent here?

Really though, this mansion is the definition of poor taste. Zombies, ghosts, servants. How much do they even charge for rent here?

Dialogue 6 「なんだ。また来たのか、おまえ? かくして事件は解決、マンションは解体撤去だ。交換してない物があったら交換しておけよ? もうじき、ここはなくなるぜ」

What, you're back again? Thus the case was solved. The building is going to be demolished. If you have anything left to exchange, do it now. This will be gone soon.

What, you are here again? With the incident resolved, this mansion is getting torn down. If there's anything you still want to exchange for, do it quick. Soon, this place won't be anymore.

Dialogue 7 「なんだ。また来たのか、おまえ? かくして事件は解決、マンションは解体撤去だ。猶予期間があるから、忘れずに報酬ゲットボタンを押しておけよ? もうじき、ここはなくなるぜ」

What, you're back again? Thus the case was solved. The building is going to be demolished. There is still some time left, so don't forget to press the claim reward button. This will be gone soon.

What, you are here again? With the incident resolved, this mansion is getting torn down. There is still a grace period, so remember to push the button to get your rewards. The sooner the better, this place won't be for long.

Kara no Kyoukai Collaboration Event Re-run Dialogue 8 「なんだ。また来たのか、おまえ? かくして事件は解決、マンションは解体撤去だ。猶予期間があるから、忘れずに交換と受け取りをしておけよ? もうじき、ここはなくなるぜ」

What, you're back again?
The case is solved. The building is going to be demolished. There is still some time left, so don't forget to make your exchanges and collect your rewards. All this will be gone soon.

Dialogue 9 「ミッション達成だ。ほら、持ってけ。無駄使いするなよ?」

Mission accomplished. Here, take this. Don't waste it.

Dialogue 10 「ふーん……これ見るからに値打ち物だな。大切にしまっとけば?」

Huh. This thing looks like it's valuable. Why don't you take it for safekeeping?

Dialogue 11 「ぴんぽんぱん♪ 物好きな皆さんにお知らせです。次の階層が開けましたので、マスターにおかれましてはどうぞこぞ って新しいミッションに挑んでください」

Ding dong. A notice for all you curious people.
The next floor is open, so Master, please feel free to challenge the new missions.

Dialogue 12 「新しい依頼が来たぞ。事件起こりすぎだなこのマンション」

A new request has come in. There's too much going on in this apartment!

Dialogue 13 「ぴんぽんぱんぽん♪ 物好きな皆さんにお知らせです。新しい場所が開けましたので、マスターにおかれましてはどうぞこぞ って、新しいミッションに挑んでください」

Ding dong. A notice for all you curious people.
A new location is open, so Master, please feel free to challenge the new missions.

Dialogue 14 「いよいよオーラスだ。一夜限りの月下美人、ってな。手強い女だけど、ま、楽しんできたら?」

It's the finale. This showdown will be a brief moment of glory tonight. She's going to be a tough opponent, but why don't you just enjoy the ride?

Dialogue 15 「いらっしゃーい。……あーめんどくさい。商品の説明はナシだ。好きにぶらついてろ」


Ugh, what a drag.
I'm not going to explain what's for exchange here.

Just hang around as long as you like.

Dialogue 16 「物々交換っていつの時代の話よ。……いや、なんでもない。原始的でいいよな、うん」

Exchanging items... Are we in the stone age or something?

No, never mind.

Primitive isn't so bad...yeah...

Dialogue 17 「ああ、それ? 包装は無しでいいよな?」

You want that one?
I don't need to wrap it up for you, right?

Dialogue 18 「言うまでもないけど、返品はお断りだ。ちゃんと使い切れよ」

Obviously we do not accept returns. Make sure you use everything, okay?

Dialogue 19 「良くわからないものばっかり揃えた店だよな……橙子の事務所だって、ここまでじゃなかったぜ」

This shop sure carries a bunch of weird stuff...
Even Touko's office didn't have this much crap...

Dialogue 20 「露店商売もこれでおしまいっと。店仕舞いだけど、まだブツがあるなら交換するぜ?」

The street vendor is closing up soon.
It's just about time, but if you have anything left to exchange yet, I'll take it.

Dialogue 21 「ここだけの話、アルバイトは初体験でな。やってみれば簡単じゃないか。コンビニエンスストアの店員だけはやるなって、幹也に言われたもんだけど」

To be honest, this was my first try at a part-time job.

And I have to say, it was easy.

But Mikiya always told me to just not work as a convenience store clerk.

The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted by alphabet):
S200A1Icon.png S274A1Icon.png S091A1Icon.png


Source: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sub:Ry%C5%8Dgi_Shiki_(Assassin)/Dialogue

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